Motherhood and pancakes with our Founder Victoria

In the lead up to Mother's Day we spent some time with founder Victoria and her son Theodore, aged 2, making Banana Pancakes and reading bed time stories. We chat to Victoria about who inspires her most, what her childhood was like and how she hopes to pass this down to Theodore. Read more below about the greatest challenges and the best parts of being a mother, as well as a pancake recipe, perfect for enjoying on Mother's Day in bed! 

Who are the women that inspire you most? 

My Mum, for raising my sister and I to believe that we can do and be anything... like anything. There was never pressure to do anything “conventional”. Like if I wanted to work with animals… work with animals… if I wanted to be a stay at home mum… be a stay at home mum. The emphasis was always on how we treated people and approached life, not on mainstream success. She’s also a badass adventure woman and not to be messed with in an intense game of scrabble! She’s rad! 

Also my Grandma, she was the original hustler. She was fearless and never let age or gender stop her from doing as she pleased. She bought a hotel in her 60’s! She was the first woman to wear a suit in the city we grew up in and she was snapped in the paper for it! When she re-married my pop for the 3rd time (long and very dramatic story) she wore a black tuxedo… what a woman! Ha! 

What are you most grateful to your mum for? 

For loving me unconditionally even when I was an absolutely horrible person in my teens… she stayed calm and loved me anyway. I am also grateful that she raised me holistically with a good awareness of spirituality and health. 

What wisdom and values from your mother do you hope to pass down to Theodore?

To treat all people as equal regardless of race, gender, age, image. To also believe that he can do anything and how to have fun! My mum has a lot of fun and I hope I have a fun house like the one I grew up in. 

What are the greatest lessons you have learnT from raising Theodore?

Goodness so many! That the best thing I can give Theodore is my time. He doesn’t care (at this age) what I do for work, that my clothes are nice or that our house is well furnished, his little heart is full when I am with him. I want him to grow up thinking “Mummy and Daddy were always there” that’s priceless. I’ve learned how much I value the non-tangible things in life… a walk on the beach with him and so on.

What do you love most about being a mum? 

Being the Mum in my house (which includes being a wife to my man) is the best role I’ve ever played. I love how satisfying it is. The other day I asked Theodore (who’s 2) to put something down that he wasn’t meant to be playing with and miraculously he did, the smallest win, but something that I have been working on for 6 months! Success! It’s the little wins with Theodore that are so satisfying - like when he shares his toys or the other day he asked my Dad “how’s yourrrr day poppy?” which is so sweet that he is starting to think of others. I think the opportunity to (hopefully) raise a good human is such an incredible thing! 

What do you find the most challenging? 

The other morning he came in at 6am and held my face with such affection, it was so sweet, then he said in my ear “poo poo’s wee wee’s bum bums”, all words that he’s not allowed to say unless he’s doing them hahahaha! Not the most zen way to wake up that’s for damn sure!

It's challenging when he spends a day pushing the boundaries and pretty much spends every other minute on the time out chair! It’s rare, but those days are tough. Or if he throws a tantrum in public, it’s so embarrassing. He legit slapped me in the shopping centre the other day, so I had to drop everything and address that bad behaviour. It slows you down, but it's worthwhile… challenging, but all part of the role.

What’s one thing you wish you knew or wish someone had told you when you first became a mother? 

I wish I was more prepared for labour (I won’t go into the details of the 40+ hours) and the post birth recovery… I felt like I almost died, maybe I did, ha! I’d do it all again though!


Perfect for a Mother's Day breakfast in bed or a rainy afternoon treat, these banana pancakes are so easy to make and they are dairy, gluten, wheat and refined sugar free! Teddy loved helping make these and loves eating them even more! Recipe makes six.


Ingredients - 2 eggs, 1 large banana (with brown spots on so your banana is sweeter), 1/2 tsp vanilla powder or essence, 2 tbsp coconut flour, 1/2 tsp baking powder.

Method - Mix all ingredients in the blender until smooth and creamy. Heat fry pan on a medium heat. Add a little coconut oil to coat the pan so the pancakes don’t stick.

Scoop one tablespoon of batter into the hot pan. Wait for bubbles to appear on top, then flip them for another minute on the other side to cook. Remove from the pan and enjoy with your choice of toppings. 

Note: We ate them with figs, honey, berries, toasted coconut flakes and macadamias. Grilled banana, bacon and maple syrup is a delicious combination also! 

Then jump back into bed, relax and enjoy! Vic x



Victoria wears the Adult Stonewash Robe in Clay and Theodore (aged 2) wears the Kids Stonewash Robe in Indigo and Millk pants from Nikkou Store.