A gift for you: Printable statement of gratitude


It’s that special time of year where we as a community take a step back and take time to relish in all we have to be grateful for in our lives. From the smallest things like the creamy aroma of your morning coffee, to the bigger hurdles in life, we each have something to be thankful for every day. Even if sometimes we forget. By acknowledging these experiences, it instantly provides a sense of light and love in your attitude and view on life. It is also another useful way to place things into perspective as in our busy lives we can often get caught up in sweating the small stuff, and overlook what really is important.

We gather in unity, and reconcile our differences to give thanks. Whether we share it over a meal, a gift, or an act of service, Thanksgiving is a sentimental time for all.

The Beach People would like to share with you some beautiful words that the very talented poet and author James Redmayne crafted for our family to share with yours this Thanksgiving with a downloadable Statement of Gratitude.

We invite you to keep it somewhere safe, or to share the words with those around you. It is our gift to you.

Many thanks, Emma and Victoria xx

 I'm thankful for The Ocean

Her gentle flow and faithful tide

I'm thankful she is constant

A trusted friend, always there but ever-changing.

I'm thankful for her salted air

Each deep breath renewing me

Each exhalation releasing landlocked problems,

Wisped into her changing winds.

I'm thankful for her golden sands

A warmth that spreads deeper than my skin

Softening and re-molding

Untangling long-held hurts and heartache

I'm thankful for The Ocean

For her stormy days, and her calm

When I am bowed by the worries of land

I will go, again, to my sweet sea.


Words by: James Redmayne / Image by: Matt Johnson

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