Behind the Design of Porto

Introducing the new self-care essentials for your everyday rituals. The bathroom essentials you’ve been waiting for, crafted in Portugal with a considered construction that’s lightweight, quick-drying, but also offers premium absorbency. We spoke with our Founders, Emma and Victoria, and our Head Designer, Jake, about what inspired our highly anticipated new bath collection, Porto, and how they'll be styling it at home...


What inspired the range?

Jake - When designing Porto we wanted to create something that would not only look beautiful in your home, but would also make you feel good when you use it. We hope you can incorporate our Porto range into your self-care routine to make yourself feel refreshed, restored and rejuvenated after the year that’s been.

Emma - A few years back we launched our Stonewash bath collection. It was so well received, so we kept our favourite elements from this range and added it to the Porto Bath collection. Soft, lightweight, quick-drying cotton with eyelash fringing.


Can you tell us about the collection and what makes it unique?

Jake - This range has been a long time coming! When we launched Stonewash back in 2017, light bath towels weren’t widely available and after the huge success we quickly knew how much our customers loved a quick drying bath towel. Porto offers all the things you loved about Stonewash but in a new colour palette (with an option for any bathroom). We have also worked closely with our makers to develop this construction from scratch. The material offers the quick-drying element that has been so popular, but with increased absorbency and a soft hand feel.

Emma - We have designed this collection to be lightweight and quick-drying, which makes the product more sustainable. It requires less washing and drying time, which is less impact on the earth. As a family of 6, I can fit everyone’s towels in one load and they are mostly sun-dried in under an hour! The hand touch is textured on the top with small terry loops on the underside for drying. This range feels luxe, but also effortless in your bathroom.


Which colour is your favourite and can you describe how it compliments your bathroom?

Vic - Sage is my favourite as I love a pop of colour in my home.

Emma - I’m obsessed with the Porto bath collection colour palette! Sage, terracotta, white, ecru and charcoal - something for everyone and to suit all different bathroom styles. I choose different colours for different family members. I’ll have terracotta for my 4 daughters, my husband and I will have charcoal and ecru in our ensuite, and I’ll have white for guests.

Jake - I’m mixing the sage and the ecru, as my bathroom is predominately white. I like how this combination adds depth to the space.


Lastly, what’s your self-care ritual and how do you incorporate your Porto essentials into this?

Vic - I love having a salt bath, I have one 2-3 times a week once the kids are in bed. Just 20 mins with a book and the occasional face mask. Hoping out of the bath and wrapping myself in a luxurious bath towel is a ritual I adore.

Emma - Well, can’t say I get a whole lot of time for self-care in my home being a mother of 4 haha, but I have been loving using a dry body brush before a shower and then ending my shower with 1 minute of ice cold water. It feels very rejuvenating and invigorating.

Jake - I like to have a warm shower with dimmed lights (or a candle burning) and some relaxing music. I find this is the perfect way for me to unwind after a long day. There’s nothing quite like how a nice, warm bath towels make you feel.

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