Brookfarm Muesli - 3 Ways

My favourite quick breakfast is yoghurt and muesli with seasonal fruit! I was so delighted to have the opportunity to create some fun recipes with the best muesli in the world. Big call, I know, but Brookfarm Muesli truly is delish! Nutty, sweet and crunchy. Here is Brookfarm Muesli, done in three ways. Enjoy! 

Emma x

Brookfarm Muesli Slice 

4 cups of Macadamia and Cranberry Brookfarm Muesli
1 tin condensed milk 
Dark chocolate 

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. 
Line a slice tin with baking paper. 
Combine condensed milk and muesli in a mixing bowl. 
Press mixture into a lined baking tray and cook for 25-30 mins until golden. 
Once cooked, cool the slice. 
Once the slice is chilled, drizzle melted dark chocolate over the top. 
Slice into a small square. As it's a sweet slice, you don't need much. 
Enjoy after dinner or for an afternoon treat. 

Coconut Vanilla Panna Cotta with Brookfarm Muesli 

1 400ml tin coconut cream 
1 cup almond milk 
1/4 cup maple syrup 
1 tbsp vanilla 
3 tbsp gelatine ( I used natural beef gelatine) 
1/2 cup Gluten Free Brookfarm Muesli
Edible flowers to serve 

In a saucepan, combine coconut milk, almond milk, maple syrup and vanilla. 
Heat over medium heat until warm. 
Bloom the gelatine by mixing gelatine in 1/4 cup of cold water until it turns firm. 
Add bloomed gelatine to the milky mix and stir until the gelatine has dissolved. 
Pour into moulds and set in the fridge for 3-4 hours or overnight. 
Remove from moulds and sprinkle with brook farm muesli and edible flowers. 
Note: add 1 tsp of cacao to the milky mix if you want a chocolate panna cotta. 

Yoghurt Breakfast Jars

This is my yogurt breakfast Jar hack. You can make as many serves as you like. 

Plain Yogurt 
Brookfarm Muesli - I used Gluten Free
Sugar-free Jam (I use the naturally sweetened with fruit sugar Jam) 

Place muesli in the bottom of a jar, layer with yogurt, then Jam and top it with more muesli, and enjoy. 

Fruit yogurt that you usually buy from the supermarket is loaded with sugar. I love using plain natural yogurt and naturally sweetened Jam as the fruit element. Same effect as the sugar-loaded yogurts but half the price and better for you! You can add whatever flavour Jam you like. Homemade fruit yogurt!