10 Year Anniversary

A letter from Emma.

Ride The Waves.

Have you ever been pummeled by the ocean? You know, you think you can jump over a wave in the ocean with style and grace, but then just before you jump you realise you should have dived deep under the wave to avoid what is clearly about to happen… Feet knocked out from under you with force, you get thrashed about. When you arrive at the surface you're disheveled, and swimwear is not where it started, certain body parts slightly exposed, hair crusted in sand. Breathless. And another wave is fast approaching. However it's ok this time, you've learned your lesson, you dive deep under the next wave and your graceful moment arrives as you come to the surface looking sleek and elegant. Swimwear is exactly where it started. The waves keep coming though, don’t they? In life and in the ocean. I actually feel teary writing this as I can’t believe we are here and you're still here too… 10 years of The Beach People!

Victoria and I have titled our 10 year anniversary “Ride the Waves”. Literally, as we both surf a little but also metaphorically. For us, business and life are very much a series of waves. Sometimes we ride the waves on a board. Gliding across the face of a wave in ecstasy! Sometimes we dive deep under the wave and wonder when we are going to come to the surface. Sometimes we just swim and get pulled by a strong current we didn’t know was going to be there. Waves and the ocean are never the same, always changing and never what you expect. Very much like business, very much like life.

For the past 10 years, The Beach People has been our teacher. Obstacles and challenges at every turn, lots of lessons to learn, and lots of personal growth. I have seen Victoria shine so brightly as she thrives at problem-solving, ticking her to-do list with such satisfaction. I’m so grateful to work side by side with her. We have experienced extreme joy watching you purchase the pieces we design. This is forever the greatest moment for Victoria and I. I will never forget the first Round Towel I wrapped for our first ever customer. It took me 20 minutes to make sure it looked perfect, and then I sent a picture to my family saying ‘first one sent!!'. After two years of planning and thoughtfully curating artful sea essentials, The Beach People was LIVE and people liked it!

A New Chapter.

Here we are in our 10th year of business, The Beach People has certainly been the biggest wave Victoria and I have ever ridden. We are both humbled and challenged every day. We are continually learning to live in the moment. Not waiting for some kind of arrival of the perfect life. We cherish our families. We adore our husbands. Love our community.

So many people to thank on this journey. Our extremely talented team here in Australia and in the US, you are all incredible. Our contributors, photographers, film makers, influencers, interior designers & journalists who have become friends over the years, we thank you!

We will be celebrating our 10th year all year! Starting with our ‘Ride the Wave’ key ring designed in collaboration with Kind Sir. We hope you hang the ‘Ride the Wave' key ring on your car keys and think of your 'Ride the Wave’ moments. We are following this launch with a chance to win a year's supply of The Beach People product and other celebratory pieces launching soon!!

From the bottom of Victoria's and my heart, thank YOU and we can’t wait for the next chapter with you.

Love Emma X